Sema4 Pregnancy Journey

Pregnancy Journey, from Sema4, is a comprehensive educational resource designed to guide expecting parents through both pregnancy and the postpartum stages with confidence. Through this web app platform, users can connect their health records to track important vitals, view weekly explanations about the baby's development, and stay informed about common prenatal tests and procedures.


2020 - 2022


Daniel Alcala, Alex Vessels,

Jackie Colognesi, Lauren
Mancuso, Stephanie Arnold


Keith Augustsson, Keith
Thompson, Jwun-Da Lu,

Phil Kubiak, Sharon Chang,
Erica Li, Andrew Cohn

Product / Program

Divya Raghu, George Wong, Avi Jonas, Rohil Shah, Samantha Violante

01 Overview

The challenge

Sema4, a digital health and genetic testing company started by Mount Sinai and later becoming GeneDx, aimed to increase patients' connection rate with their electronic health records (EHR). Having access to larger medical records and EHR databases is incredibly beneficial for research studies and clinical trials, as it allows for identifying patients who meet eligibility criteria based on their medical condition, age, and gender.

However, clinical trials can be financially burdensome for hospitals due to the administrative overhead, regulatory requirements, and patient recruitment, which is often the most time-consuming and costly aspect of running trials. Recognizing that reproductive health patients already utilized the patient portal to identify increased risks for chromosomal abnormalities and reviewing test results, Sema4 sought to further engage patients by integrating a pregnancy tracking tool within the portal.

The challenge was not only distinguishing our service amidst a crowded market of numerous pregnancy tracking apps but also delivering the project under a tight deadline of just a few weeks.

02 Goals

Our main objectives


Craft a unique app experience in a crowded space of pregnancy apps



Increase patient EHR (Electronic Health Record) Consent rate and health data collection rate


Create educational genetic testing content reviewed and approved by our board-certified OB-GYNs.


Increase patients’ interactions with the portal beyond tracking tests to offer more support and added value

03 Discovery

Some of the questions we asked ourselves

Secondary research

Secondary research

To initiate the project, we began with extensive secondary research. The product team and I conducted a vast exploration, including a competitive analysis of both consumer and enterprise pregnancy apps.

We conducted a literature review with a specific emphasis on patient and Electronic Health Record (EHR) utilization, patients and medical devices, and patient pregnancy tracking and outcomes. Additionally, a comprehensive social listening review was given, centering on social platforms such as Reddit, Baby Center, and Facebook.

Competitive analysis

I conducted a thorough analysis of prominent pregnancy apps such as The Bump, Ovia Pregnancy, Sprout Pregnancy, WebMD Pregnancy, Glow Nurture, and more to explore their content and visual identity, aiming to gain clearer insights into the current market landscape.

A common critique we identified, and was later validated through testing, was the overly cutesy and stereotypical nature of their content. The heavy advertising and brand-sponsored material contributed to a perception of less credibility, organization, and information overload within these apps. The lack of personalized information for individual users further detracted from the overall usability.

User testing goals


Confirm research insights and opportunities from desk research


Identify any new areas of exploration we had not considered


Validate or invalidate value and usefulness of proposed features


Use iterative design & testing process to zero in on best user experience

Initial testing phases centered on assessing the viability of integrating a pregnancy tracker within a genetic testing company's services. Subsequent rounds shifted focus towards identifying opportunities for product differentiation and establishing a unique market position. Our user interviews were conducted with a mixture of current Sema4 patients and new people sourced from to help gather feedback and shape revisions based on feedback.

User Interviews

Following the completion of our secondary research and early testing, I collaborated with our Patient UX Designer to develop discussion guides and generate a range of low-to-high fidelity design concepts for testing with real users. 

I created a working interactive mobile prototype in InVision. The prototype was tested by seven pregnant Sema4 patients, with a full range of pregnancy trimesters covered and already using our services as well as other pregnancy apps, making them well-versed in available offerings and able to compare experiences.

UX Findings

User testing delivered positive results, with the prototype rated very easy (7/7) to use and users understanding all core functionality. The vitals functionality emerged as a key differentiator, and one user mentioned the explanations about timeframes, vitals, and why they are being measured within the vitals section as very important to understanding their importance. Users of the patient portal demonstrated a significant level of trust in content originating from Sema4.

Our initial assumption that mobile web app usage should be the priority, like most other pregnancy trackers, was disproven during testing. Only half of the users expressed a preference for using Pregnancy Journey on mobile, citing security concerns and login hassles as the main reasons. This valuable feedback highlighted the need to reevaluate our mobile prioritization strategy and consider developing a dedicated app to provide a seamless one-time login experience in the future.

While users trusted the company, clarifying the genetic testing connection was also an opportunity we wanted to focus on in revisions. Most indicated a strong inclination to incorporate Pregnancy Journey into their existing suite of tracking apps or even adopt it as their primary choice. The overall takeaway emphasized each pregnancy's uniqueness, with expectant individuals seeking reassurance on progression and informed choices for healthy gestation, and postpartum women needing guidance on self-care and newborn care during this sensitive time.

Our users told us that they:

Are open to using a pregnancy tracking tool offered by their genetic testing company

Are open to using a pregnancy tracking tool offered by their genetic testing company

Are overwhelmed by tools that have an unending amount of content or community features

Are overwhelmed by tools that have an unending amount of content or community features

Don’t feel as though any pregnancy apps are custom to their particular experience

Don’t feel as though any pregnancy apps are custom to their particular experience

Are tired of feeling talked down to or condescended by existing pregnancy apps

Are tired of feeling talked down to or condescended by existing pregnancy apps

Trust their genetic testing company to offer clinically sound advice

Trust their genetic testing company to offer clinically sound advice

Want to know if their pregnancy is tracking normally

Want to know if their pregnancy is tracking normally

UI Findings

When it came to visuals, I was interested in delivering the right balance of content and expertise. User testing research helped inform how we would design a solution to look more academic, as customers expressed a preference for the scientific tone of our materials over the superficial content common in other applications. This led to a unified and unique-looking interface.

For the web app's visual direction, I strongly pushed for a clean, minimal look to enhance readability and differentiate it further from other apps. However, there was an issue with our color library and a debate with leadership and the advertising team regarding the use of our brand's baby blue color for all primary call to actions and usage.

I strongly disagreed with using the brand color, as it did not align with the desired pregnancy journey experience and did not pass Web Content Accessibility Guidelines for users with low vision or color deficiencies. I deemed it crucial to have a more soothing and neutral tone, like purple, for the business and visual direction. After some effort to persuade, I was able to add this color to our brand library and change the colors to something I believed in, helping us further differentiate ourselves.

The original icon library created by a former designer vs. the weekly icons I made, based on feedback, to give them a more sophisticated and modern feel.

04 Content

04 Content

The CMS system as constructed from the MVP outline

Creating resources

At the outset, we read through a selection of pregnancy literature to assess the essential content required for a minimum viable product (MVP). Acknowledging our limited resources, we knew that we couldn't match the content depth of our competitors. However, we recognized the importance of having quality content to engage patients. Our research also revealed a segment of users seeking a more streamlined experience.

We established four fundamental principles to
guide the development of our content:




Just enough

Just enough

Outline and CMS development

The Director of Content spearheaded the initial content outline for the MVP, which served as the foundation for developing our custom CMS platform. Collaborating closely with the engineering and product teams, they led the creation of Sema4's inaugural in-house CMS platform. The collaboration began with product and program members contributing content to the system. Our copywriters conducted thorough editorial reviews before publishing each page. The new system streamlined the process of revising copy, eliminating the need for our traditional ticketing process.

05 Our solution

05 Our solution

Pregnancy Journey by Sema4

Pregnancy Journey is the only pregnancy tracker that seamlessly integrates with health records, enabling users to monitor crucial vitals such as heart rate and blood pressure throughout their pregnancies. Pregnancy Journey allows users to:


Access to clinically validated pregnancy and postpartum content


Monitoring of vital sign information within the pregnancy context


Track pregnancy progress on a weekly basis and report significant events


Contributing to Sema4's research repository to drive groundbreaking research discoveries

06 Key features

Getting the word out

Many patients discover Sema4 and Pregnancy Journey through their healthcare provider. Initially, they enroll for test results via the Sema4 patient portal. Next, we reach out via email to invite them sign up for Pregnancy Journey.

Feedback from users indicated that they readily signed up for Pregnancy Journey because of the trust they have in their physician and their positive perception of Sema4.

Opting in or opting out

During the initial launch of Pregnancy Journey, users were prompted to input their due date to get started. However, this process posed challenges for individuals encountering difficulties with conception.

We wanted to be sensitive to their experience so we revised the introduction screen, allowing users to actively elect to join Pregnancy Journey. Additionally, users now have the option to opt out of seeing it altogether if they don’t want to.

During the initial launch of Pregnancy Journey, users were prompted to input their due date to get started. However, this process posed challenges for individuals encountering difficulties with conception.

We wanted to be sensitive to their experience so we revised the introduction screen, allowing users to actively elect to join Pregnancy Journey. Additionally, users now have the option to opt out of seeing it altogether if they don’t want to.

Weekly Updates

Pregnancy Journey is structured as a series of weekly updates. Users can toggle between weeks, which allows them to look ahead or look back - a feature that was requested during research.

Weekly Summaries

Each week contains a summary and updates on the baby’s body, the patient’s body, their vitals (if they linked their EHR records), and exercise and nutrition information.

Weekly Baby Content

We chose a nature theme for the baby’s size updates. The content has a friendly and lightly scientific tone, which matches the feeling of the UI.

In research, we found that because Pregnancy Journey was coming from Sema4, users expected it to feel more clinical than other pregnancy trackers. They also perceived clinically-oriented content to be more trustworthy. To align with user expectations, we avoided playful language typical in pregnancy apps and included references at the end of each content section.

We chose a nature theme for the baby’s size updates. The content has a friendly and lightly scientific tone, which matches the feeling of the UI.

In research, we found that because Pregnancy Journey was coming from Sema4, users expected it to feel more clinical than other pregnancy trackers. They also perceived clinically-oriented content to be more trustworthy. To align with user expectations, we avoided playful language typical in pregnancy apps and included references at the end of each content section.

Weekly Body Content

Content in each section is concise, limited to a few paragraphs, avoiding the endless scrolling users complained with other pregnancy trackers. Each 'Your Body' section is paired with a list of symptoms for users to learn about.


Users reported that they enjoyed having a list of symptoms they could navigate through to see if the symptoms they were experiencing were common. They also appreciated receiving advice on how to relieve them.

Users reported that they enjoyed having a list of symptoms they could navigate through to see if the symptoms they were experiencing were common. They also appreciated receiving advice on how to relieve them.

Vitals Tracking

Our primary differentiator is enabling users to connect their EHR records to their Pregnancy Journey account. This allows them to compare their vitals against a reference range of patients, implementing one of the most requested features during our research.

In addition to showing users how their vitals track over time, we provide them with extra information about each vital sign - blood pressure, heart rate, and weight.

Reference Range

Because users specifically wanted to see how they compared to other pregnant individuals, we plotted their vitals against a reference range. We provide additional information on this range, with the caveat that users should reach out to their providers if they are concerned about how they track against it.

Exercise and nutrition content

Exercise and nutrition were the top user-requested topics during research, reflecting a strong desire for guidance.

The exercise section includes safe activities tailored to each trimester, alongside highlighting the advantages of physical activity during pregnancy. Nutritional information provides scientific explanations of essential vitamins and nutrients, offering guidance on meals and snacks throughout pregnancy.


The resources section consolidates all weekly content into one convenient guide. Users can access all exercise content or browse through discussed symptoms easily. Additionally, the resources section provides extra details on medical and genetic testing.

The resources section consolidates all weekly content into one convenient guide. Users can access all exercise content or browse through discussed symptoms easily. Additionally, the resources section provides extra details on medical and genetic testing.

Reporting a birth

Once a user reports a birth,  Pregnancy Journey transforms into Family Journey.  Users are congratulated on the arrival of their new little one with a fun confetti animation and visual interface is updated to reflect the birth.

Family Journey

The categories in Family Journey are the same as in Pregnancy Journey, but the content differs slightly. “Your Baby” content focuses on caring for a newborn. “Your Body, Exercise, and Nutrition” focus on the physical changes that occur after birth and postpartum healing.

07 Results

07 Results

Promotional video created to celebrate Sema4 going public

The outcome

The launch of Pregnancy Journey was a great success despite some delays due to engineering backlogs. The service saw an 83% increase in the connection of EHR records from its users compared to those who did not utilize the service. Additionally, users who connected their EHR records spent over 50% more time on the portal than those who did not connect. Pregnancy Journey was a central focus of Sema4's Nasdaq video when the company went public and was also a featured key asset when GeneDx acquired Sema4.

Despite the rapid growth and adoption of the service, factors beyond our team's control were happening simultaneously. Months after going went public, finances and investment were still down. In 2023, GeneDx acquired Sema4 and made major changes to the company's structure. GeneDx decided to shut down its reproductive health testing and services division, determining that the reproductive health testing business was unsustainable, especially given the current economic environment and capital limitations.

As a result, Sema4 wound down its carrier screening, noninvasive prenatal testing, prenatal and point-of-care diagnostic testing, and reproductive testing offerings. The company shut down labs in Branford and Stamford, Connecticut, reflecting its exit from testing for reproductive health and somatic tumors. While it was difficult to witness the shutdowns of products and facilities, these were the results of the harsh financial environment of the post-pandemic world we are now witnessing.

The launch of Pregnancy Journey was a great success despite some delays due to engineering backlogs. The service saw an 83% increase in the connection of EHR records from its users compared to those who did not utilize the service. Additionally, users who connected their EHR records spent over 50% more time on the portal than those who did not connect. Pregnancy Journey was a central focus of Sema4's Nasdaq video when the company went public and was also a featured key asset when GeneDx acquired Sema4.

Despite the rapid growth and adoption of the service, factors beyond our team's control were happening simultaneously. Months after going went public, finances and investment were still down. In 2023, GeneDx acquired Sema4 and made major changes to the company's structure. GeneDx decided to shut down its reproductive health testing and services division, determining that the reproductive health testing business was unsustainable, especially given the current economic environment and capital limitations.

As a result, Sema4 wound down its carrier screening, noninvasive prenatal testing, prenatal and point-of-care diagnostic testing, and reproductive testing offerings. The company shut down labs in Branford and Stamford, Connecticut, reflecting its exit from testing for reproductive health and somatic tumors. While it was difficult to witness the shutdowns of products and facilities, these were the results of the harsh financial environment of the post-pandemic world we are now witnessing.

Launch highlights

There was an 83% increase in the connection of EHR records from Pregnancy Journey users versus those who did not use the service.

Pregnancy Journey users who use EHR spend 52% more time on the portal than non-connected Pregnancy Journey users.

Pregnancy Journey was a central focus of Sema4’s Nasdaq video when the company went public.

After acquiring Sema4, the CEO of GeneDx specifically highlighted Pregnancy Journey as a key asset contributing to the excitement about the merger.

05 Next steps

05 Next steps

What's next

With a successful initial minimum viable product (MVP 1.0), there were numerous ambitions and ideas for improvements that were never fully realized. One feature request was a map of the baby's anatomy, showing the different parts of the body forming at certain weeks. While creating an animated 3D baby would not have been possible within the tight deadline, incorporating features like this could have been considered for future updates.

Another area of potential improvement was strengthening the connection between genetics and testing, which initially showed promise but did not seem as clear as we would have liked. Trying to tie in information based on genetic traits could have been a way to unify the product even more.

Despite the limitations, the team accomplished what they set out to do with Pregnancy Journey, which can be seen as a success. The product was a labor of love, and the team is proud of the work they created. Perhaps in the future, GeneDx can build upon this foundation and introduce further services and updates to the project.

With a successful initial minimum viable product (MVP 1.0), there were numerous ambitions and ideas for improvements that were never fully realized. One feature request was a map of the baby's anatomy, showing the different parts of the body forming at certain weeks. While creating an animated 3D baby would not have been possible within the tight deadline, incorporating features like this could have been considered for future updates.

Another area of potential improvement was strengthening the connection between genetics and testing, which initially showed promise but did not seem as clear as we would have liked. Trying to tie in information based on genetic traits could have been a way to unify the product even more.

Despite the limitations, the team accomplished what they set out to do with Pregnancy Journey, which can be seen as a success. The product was a labor of love, and the team is proud of the work they created. Perhaps in the future, GeneDx can build upon this foundation and introduce further services and updates to the project.

Priorities for next updates would have been:



Monitor feature performance and effect on existing business goals



Explore how to expand on existing value prop for connecting health data



Develop and refine additional pregnancy and postpartum content



 Perform user testing to see if we should develop an IVF patient experience

Dan Alcala design. All rights reserved.

Brooklyn © 2024

Dan Alcala design. All rights reserved.

Brooklyn © 2024

Dan Alcala design. All rights reserved.

Brooklyn © 2024